Principles Of Firearm Training Fort Lauderdale
If you are thinking of enrolling in a firearm training Fort Lauderdale course, you should be familiar with the principles surrounding safety and training.
- Assume every weapon is loaded – No matter what condition you believe firearms to be in, always practice safety by acting as if the gun were loaded. If you were to assume the gun was loaded would you point it at someone? Would you look down the barrel? It is important that when you are handling a firearm that you always have the assumption that the gun is loaded and ready to fire.
- Never point a weapon at anything that you do not intend to shoot – A gun is a powerful tool that is used for a specific use. Just like any other power tool it must be treated with respect. Would you stick your hand under a running lawn mower? If not, then why would you point a gun at something you did not intend to shoot? Again, you must treat a gun as if it were loaded and ready to fire. Unless you are aiming at something to blast holes into do not point it at an unintended target.
- Keep the safety on until the weapon is ready to fire – Many grave accidents have been recorded because of the lack of attention of the weapon holder to this rule. Some have unfortunately shot themselves and others because the safety device of the weapon was not engaged. It is a good rule of thumb to not disengage the safety device on the weapon until you have it actually pointed at the target and are ready to fire.
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