Qualities Of A Good Fraud Investigator
There are certain character and personality traits that any good investigator must possess. Although certain personal qualities will prove more important in some investigations than in others, and different investigations call for different levels of these traits, there is no question that the investigator's personal character is the single issue that will make or break a workplace investigation.
- Impartiality – The investigator's ability to remain impartial is absolutely crucial to the quality of any investigation. An investigator who goes into an investigation with a personal or organizational bias will not be capable of thinking critically in identifying and analyzing the accurate, sufficient, and reliable information that is the goal of any effective investigation.
- Analytical ability – It practically goes without saying that an investigator must be knowledgeable about the subject matter being investigated, skilled in the techniques of investigation, and capable at dealing with the many claims, interests, values, people, personalities, and cultures encountered in a typical investigation.
- Emotional intelligence – This quality, which captures several aspects of the "softer" side of the intelligence described above, is just as important for a good workplace investigator. It includes "perceptiveness" or the sensitivity to and ability to accurately interpret complex and even delicate circumstances or situations.
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