How To Choose A Shooting Range
When it comes to firearms training, where you go training is as important as the actual training itself. There are many factors that should be considered when choosing a safe place to go shooting.
- Designated shooting ranges – The best places to go shooting are generally designated and designed as shooting ranges. At a range, you know that you can legally discharge a firearm, that the space has been designed with safety in mind, and that you and your fellow shooters will be expected to abide by rules.
- Supervised ranges – You will feel the safest when shooting at a range supervised by one or more range officers designated by the range owner, gun shop, or gun club. The range officer monitors the behavior of all shooters and can intervene to correct any safety violations.
- Safe shooting space – One of the fundamental rules of gun safety is to know what you are shooting at and what lies beyond your target. When shooting outdoors, you should be shooting into clear hillside or berm composed of dirt or sand that will absorb bullets rather than rocks that might cause a bullet to ricochet.
- Ventilated – Lead can be hazardous to your health fast or slow. While you certainly don't want to be shot, you also don't want to breath in lots of gun smoke. Lead dust and other byproducts of shooting can be hazardous to your long-term health. Indoor ranges should have ventilation designed to move gun smoke away from the firing line.
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